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Surveillance / Access Control: Video Analytics

Video Analytics Products

These products are Genetec partners and will work seamlessly together.

Intelligent video analytics software uses range from real-time electronic notifications about perimeter breaches to determining department store shopping patterns, detecting tail-gaiters at secure entryways to measuring traffic density in tunnels, or from triggering alarms on stolen equipment to saving energy in unused building space.

Uses include: Intrusion detection, Unattended baggage detection, Autonomous PTZ tracking, Stopped vehicle detection,
Loitering detection, Camera tampering detection.

Analytics with Smart Video Servers

AXIS 242S Intelligent Video Server

AXIS 242S IV Video Server is a one-channel video server equipped with a DSP (Digital Signal Processor), dedicated to
processing advanced algorithms in intelligent video applications. Since video and audio analyses are performed inside
the video server, only the essential information needs to be sent over the network.

Panasonic  WJ-NT314

Panasonic WJ-NT314 Channel Video Encoder with Video Analytics
* Intruder Detection - 3 intrusion areas per VMD program (8 VMD programs) detects when a person or vehicle has
entered a designated area
* Object Detection - identifies when an object has been removed or left behind in a given object detection area
* Object Framing - frames up to 8 objects or people that are being analyzed
* Object Tracking - displays route of object or person
* Automatic Object Size Calculation - using advanced perspective compensation, calculates object's size regardless
of distance from camera and depth of field

Oliver Communications Group, Inc.
Telecommunications Design & Installation
2457 Old York Road
Bordentown, NJ 08505
TEL (609)-324-1750
FAX (609)-324-1760